Humaira Salman - Founder and Directress of Learners’ Resource Galaxy
Humaira Salman is the founder and directress of Learners’ Resource Galaxy. Her vision and mission is to guide, counsel and groom the individuals to meet the challenges of life. She believes in the youth and provides multiple exposures and opportunities to them so that they can take charge of their lives and learning. She is also recognized as a counselor and is an expert in designing tailor made workshops for various institutes and organizations. She aspires to inspire and; therefore, her work allows her to explore wide range of subjects; in addition, she provides academic consultancy. She has also worked as a co-author for a series of academic books, workbooks and teachers’ guides. She has used her immense and wide experience of 25 years in the field of education to train the teachers and students of both urban and rural areas of Sindh and Punjab. She is a mother of three homeschoolers and enjoys reading, cooking, travelling and socializing.

Sharmeen Pirzada - Project Co-ordinator
Sharmeen Pirzada is a consultant and a trainer for schools and organizations. She has overall experience of 15 years in the field of education. She has travelled in different districts of Sindh and Punjab to impart quality education. Her passion to experiment and explore new things satisfies her thirst for learning and knowledge acquisition. She enjoys reflective discussions with family and friends.

Ayan Khan
Finance Incharge

Associate Admin

Marketing Manager

Media Incharge

Social Media Manager

Moazzum Ahmed
Content Writer