Freedom from Exam Stress

Healthy Hobbies: Gardening
September 25, 2021
Personal Development Program – Batch 5
November 8, 2021

Freedom from Exam Stress

Undoubtedly, one of the most frightful times amongst all is when students have to confront the physical torture of examinations. Surprisingly the more dangerous and destructible part of exams is the stress and not the exams themselves.

In those haunting days just before the test, you will easily get glimpses of drowsy children with meter long dark circles, eyes wide open, staring at the frightening texts in a book, along with some extreme examples of students starving themselves with the clever thought in mind that they may have enough space to fill themselves with maximum knowledge.

A natural phenomenon that each and every individual who, at some point in their life, goes through an exam can understand well is that whenever the situation is out of our comfort zone, our body senses the difference and hence, reacts in a divergent manner. This is the reason why our hunger vanishes suddenly, our sleep fades away and sometimes it even feels as if our hearts are sinking and there’s this uncomfortable, indescribable feeling that develops inside us. This is how our body tries to cope up with stress.

what happens when you try to become Superman 😉

This restless feeling does not only disturb the child but also the people around him, like his parents and teachers. It is common that most of the times, even they don’t know how to tackle this anxiety. Rather, they sometimes ask even more problematic questions such as, “Didn’t you study?” or “Didn’t you listen to what the teacher said during the lesson?” Some will even pass judgmental statements telling you that you are so stressed because you didn’t prepare well. This further becomes the cause of demotivation and tension.

I’m sure this thought will be tickling your mind, that this is the same motivational speech everyone gives but does no good… But don’t get worried just so quick. “There’s no problem without a solution!”

Firstly, don’t ever try to be Superman or even Flash for that matter, thinking you can do everything at once in the blink of an eye. I know nothing is impossible but what’s possible can also turn into impossible if you don’t do it at the right time. Set realistic and approachable goals for yourself so that you can achieve your targets in the allotted time. This time management and planning will further flourish your willpower, give you motivation and help you believe you can do it!

Exercising and meditation is also an essential piece to fit in the success puzzle. Take out five to ten minutes before, in between, and after studying which will soothe your brain and help refresh your mind. Alongside keep your hobbies intact and take out time for them as well. May it be gardening, baking, painting, or whatsoever, believe me, it will maintain your composure and temperament. Engaging in a mentally stimulating hobby reduces stress, according to research by Matthew Zawadzki, a health psychologist at the University of California, Merced. The research shows practicing hobbies not only minimizes stress but also has a positive effect on psychological health leading to improved focus, happiness, and even longer lives!

It is often observed in movies that once the mighty examination sheet reaches the pupil’s eye, his head spins around, and then the child falls down. The students are often seen gulping and trying to digest the questions through their alimentary canal. Some hilarious scenes witnessed even include students holding their hearts and fainting. This is not always imaginary. These menacing events can not only be embarrassing but can also cause health issues. To avoid these risks, control your abnormal breathing and remain serene.

exactly the kind of food you shouldn’t eat especially around exams!

Avoid broasts drowning in greasy oil, triple-stacked zingers, platefuls of spicy biryani, or any luxury food that can make you feel lethargic. Instead include sweet-sour fruits in your meal. Light foods will help you concentrate because unlike heavy foods your body’s complete focus will not be towards the digestion of food.

Last but not the least; keep praying and seeking help from Almighty Allah. He is indeed the All-Knower and provides all solutions.

Do remember, Stress is not a disease neither is it a misfortune. But, if you don’t confront it in the right manner, it may end up as a either or both. Even I faced this endless time, but Ms. Humaira Salman’s tactics for overcoming this difficulty changed my vision and my reactions thankfully! Do watch it too.

By: Roomina Arif

Video reference for tips:


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